After WhatsApp’s new Privacy Policy users started moving out to Signal and Telegram.
Telegram and Signal saw a rise in users as WhatsApp announced its new Privacy Policy, as both have better Privacy than WhatsApp.
WhatsApp has been in the light due to its new privacy policy, which is not good, as the policy explains its storing user data and selling it to advertising companies, which is illegal, so users are now moving to Telegram and Signal thinking of better privacy policy.
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Signal is runned by non profit organization so it doesn’t sells user data for earnings, on the other hand telegram is runned by small company which earns money through premium offerings, so here the user data is not being sold, so users are moving to this messaging applications.
For all these years WhatsApp was a great application without any doubt, it was like default app in any smartphone, and since it has been acquired by Facebook, it has become more like money making machine in exchange for user data for the developers, so its where it went wrong.
Also Read — WhatsApp getting hit by its new Privacy Policy
Look Money making is good, but not with the wrong ways, selling user data is not done…
Let me know what you think of WhatsApp’s new policy, and stay tuned for more tech news…
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